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Deportation process timeline Form: What You Should Know

Then sign up for CSI's email updates. The U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) has the power to remove individuals from the United States who have no ​​​​ lawful immigration status. ​ The federal government uses a variety of methods to remove individuals who lack ​​​​​ ​lawful immigration status. Individuals who are removed are not in the country legally. Removals occur when ICE agents and U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers apprehend an individual in the interior of the United States. The removal process can begin in one of three stages; preliminary investigative detention, voluntary departure, or the final removal stage and other detentions. A final removal order is issued by the judge or immigration court after all charges have been completed and the detained was issued or the detained has been revoked or if the defendant has been granted relief under the Administrative Detention Reform Act of 2014. Deportation: Overview for Non-U.S. Citizens ​What is the process? The defendant can be removed from the United States immediately by a DHS warrant after a hearing. The warrant request is an early legal step that is based on a request made by a DHS or law enforcement agency, for example a sheriff, a border patrol or sheriff's office, or a state or local law enforcement agency such as the police or sheriff's office. The individual's removal order can be a “hold” or no-hold order, which means the defendant is placed “in detention” without any opportunity to challenge his or her deport ability. This detention period can last up to six months. If a defendant is found to have a lawful immigration status, such as a green card holder, the order generally does not apply to the defendant. However, the defendant may be subject to immigration laws that govern criminal charges for reentry, deportation of alien smugglers, human smugglers, and individuals who knowingly encourage the illegal entry of aliens into the country. The defendant may also be subject to prosecution or removal proceedings relating to a felony. What can a non-citizen do at this court hearing? On the day of the hearing, the defendant is required to have court-appointed counsel.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Deportation process timeline

Instructions and Help about Deportation process timeline

Immigration is back front and center this morning. - President Trump said at the White House on Saturday that family separation at the border may continue, claiming it deters migration. - That policy is just part of the administration's aggressive approach to immigration. - Last year, the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court accused federal immigration and customs enforcement agents of stalking undocumented immigrants at the state's courthouses in order to arrest them. - That drew a sharp response from Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who said sanctuary laws protecting those immigrants have forced ICE to make some of its arrests in public spaces. - In our Sunday spotlight, NBC's Stephanie Gosk brings us a snapshot of the heated immigration debate. - Last July, Maria went to a Charlotte, North Carolina courthouse to testify against her fiance, but she and her son were handcuffed and arrested by immigration officers instead. - Maria had gone to the police herself to report an alleged assault, even though she knew she was in the country illegally on an expired visa. - Her fiance used that against her and threatened to get her thrown in jail or deported if she took any action. - After she reported her fiance, he turned around and accused her of crimes, both theft and abuse. - Maria's immigration attorney says many of her other clients, who are also victims of domestic abuse, worry about being arrested in court too. - In a Denver courthouse, ICE officers dressed in plain clothes took down an undocumented immigrant with pending cases. - City attorney Kristen Bronson believes enforcement actions in courthouses is a bad idea with a terrible impact. - Victims and witnesses who are undocumented are afraid of getting arrested when they come to court, causing them to back out of their cases. - This means that abusers are going unpunished and feeling immune...