I am Jim, a practicing immigration attorney in St. Louis, Missouri. I want to inform you about an important new case that was recently decided by a federal court in California. This case addresses the affidavit of support. So, what is the affidavit of support? It is a form that a US citizen sponsor must file along with a green card application, promising to financially support the non-citizen spouse at least 125 percent of the federal poverty guidelines if their visa is approved. Essentially, when a citizen wants to sponsor their spouse to come to the United States, they must make this promise to the government. Failure to submit the affidavit of support can result in the denial of the green card application. Over the years, there have been legal disputes concerning this form. However, this recent case provides us with insight into how federal judges handle claims of a spouse not fulfilling their support obligations as per the affidavit of support contract. The affidavit of support serves as a contract between the federal government and the citizen spouse. The government wants to ensure that individuals entering the country and obtaining a green card do not rely on government benefits. They require the US citizen to take care of their spouse financially. In this particular case, the couple involved was from Turkey and it was their second marriage. The US citizen sponsor filled out the affidavit of support as part of the visa process. Interestingly, the couple had a prenuptial agreement that stated they would not provide any financial support to each other if the marriage ended. Despite this agreement, the wife obtained her conditional green card after arriving in the United States. A conditional green card is given when a marriage is less than two years old. After this two-year period, the couple must...
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Immigration bond sponsor letter Form: What You Should Know
I am the sponsor:. If you are an immigration judge and have this person, please accept this I-873 This Immigration Bond is for Immigration Detention and Bonded Processing. Please accept and sign. Thank You Why a letter from your sponsor to the immigration judge when you live close to the immigrant detention facility? If your sponsor lives close to the detention facility: 1) the sponsor will be called as witness to the immigration hearing for the detainee. 2) the sponsor may be called as an expert witness for the detainee. 3) the sponsor can write a bond recommendation to the Immigration Judge. Please give the letter to the sponsor for your letter. If you live further away than one hour's ride: 1) the sponsor will probably not be called as a witness or other expert witness. 2) the sponsor can write a bond recommendation. If the applicant lives within the U6, U6B or the U6C areas, the sponsor will have to contact ICE to send an agent to collect the application with documentation. Please call ICE toll-free at. If the sponsor is not able to pick up the application with the documents, you may sign the form on the ICE forms for this person and send it through the mail back to ICE. Please do not mail the same application back to ICE multiple times. The application sent back must be in the same envelope and signed with the same form. Send the application to the ICE at: ICE Processing Services C/O U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement P.O. Box 899949 Houston, TX 77 Please note that the same application may have different names, so each time you complete a form with your sponsor be sure to have the application with all required documents. Please be sure to print or email this application form. After completing any form with your sponsor, please send your completed form back to ICE before your scheduled date for ICE bond release. ICE Will Review and Send the Bond Released by your Sponsor to the Immigration Judge. The immigrant detained by ICE will appear before an immigration judge to be released or not held for removal. ICE will keep a record of the bond and how much the alien was paid. Once the immigration judge makes a decision, ICE will release an immigration bond for the immigrant.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Immigration bond sponsor letter