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How to pay immigration bond Form: What You Should Know

How to Pay an Immigration Bond Aug 20, 2025 — Learn how to pay an immigration bond, but this time, in 2018. Immigration bonds, also known as ICE Form-I 352, are one of the most common  How to Pay for an Immigration Bond in the United States In order to receive an immigration bond payment, you will be asked to show a valid photo ID and to  Forget about payment options with an immigration bond | Curbed Law Do NOT use credit cards with an immigration bond | Curbed Law Here are the steps to pay an immigration bond: STEP 1 — Find out if you are eligible for ICE Form I-350. STEP 2 — Make an appointment to pay the bond to ensure that all paperwork is correct.

Online solutions help you to manage your record administration along with raise the efficiency of the workflows. Stick to the fast guide to do ICE Form I-312, steer clear of blunders along with furnish it in a timely manner:

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing How to pay immigration bond

Instructions and Help about How to pay immigration bond

I'm Andreas Ortiz, an immigration attorney with the Shouse Law Group. A lot of people often ask me if they have the right to a bond if they are detained by immigration. The answer is sometimes. Whether you qualify for bond depends on a couple of things. Firstly, if a person is arriving at a port of entry and is apprehended by immigration and placed into removal proceedings before an immigration judge, they are ineligible to receive a bond. Additionally, if a person has certain criminal convictions and is transferred directly from state court custody to immigration custody, they may also be ineligible for a bond. However, if a person doesn't fall into either of the first two categories, they may be eligible for a discretionary bond before the immigration judge. The judge considers two factors in this case. The first factor is whether the person is a danger to the community. The judge examines their past criminal history and any other issues or run-ins with the law. The second factor is whether the person is a flight risk. The judge takes into account the person's ties to the US and whether it's possible for them to receive immigration relief before the judge. The judge also considers whether the person has a history of appearing before any other tribunal. In the Ninth Circuit, there is an exception for individuals who have been detained for more than six months. In this situation, regardless of disqualifying convictions such as an aggravated felony or being a rising alien, the person is eligible for a new bond hearing. During this hearing, it is the government's burden to prove that the person is both a danger to society and a flight risk. If the government fails to prove both elements, then the person will be released...